Well, it's been awhile since I have posted anything. I had a cold and then I have had some health issues. I have Tourettes and it has reared its ugly head lately which makes it hard to keep up with things. I don't have it to the point that I have vocal tics, I mean when I cuss, I do it on purpose, LOL. But it does wear me out and its about all I can do to keep up with my full time job and the house. Well enough about that.
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about something that is near and dear to my heart lately and that is animal rescue. I used to foster animals for the Humane Society but unfortunately with a disabled husband and a full time job and 7 dogs, 6 cats and 3 birds that is not too easy for me to do right now. I have been doing some praying and I feel that the easiest thing for me to do right now is to take a page from Michelle May's book of the Raspberry Rabbits and combine my loves and do animal drawings and donate part of the proceeds to animal rescue. I have to get my bearings and figure out what I am going to charge and how to go about advertising for this and such, but for now if anyone is interested please let me know. I draw pictures from a good photograph and I can draw more than one animal in one picture from more than one photo.
Well, just wanted to get back with everyone. I will keep you informed.