We have 7 dogs. The reason we have 7 dogs is: 1) We love animals. 2) We used to foster for the Humane Society and we ended up keeping the dogs that had trouble finding a forever home.
One dog we have is Runt. Runt is part lab, don't know what the other part or parts are. We have a fenced in yard but when given the chance they will make a break for it out the front door to freedom. Runt will run down the steps and stand at the end of the driveway and look back as if to say, "Come on, let's go." He has a game that we play, he runs around the block and we chase him in the car. He will look back every once in awhile to make sure that we are still behind him.
Here he is waiting at the end of the driveway for his "Run."
I'm still waiting...
And we're off...
C'mon Mom, keep up with me.
We're almost home.
OK, I'm done, ready to take a nap.
You remind me of my daughter! She has 3 dogs now because one recently died (old age) and has ordered a new puppy that should be able to leave her mother pretty soon. I love dogs but I think one is all I could handle at a time. :) blessings, marlene