Sunday, July 29, 2012

Thunder Boom Booms

We have been having a lot of thunderstorms lately and I love thunderstorms provided we don't flood AND our power does not go out.  Unfortunately, most of my dogs do not share in my enthusiasm.  They follow me around like I'm the Pied Piper.  They hide under my desk and mess up my internet connection (it is very touchy) by sitting on my wires and disconnecting me.  LOL!  They shake, shiver and pant like the world is coming to an end.  I don't mean to pick on my furbabies, I love them so much, but it's just so funny the way they act.  Take a look at this poor pitiful bunch. 

"Mommy, save us!" 

Let me know when it's over...

This is my little "Lady" 

This is Bowzer and he is the biggest of all the dogs, but he is the biggest baby.  He tries to find corners or little areas to squeeze into when there is a thunderstorm.  He dreams of being a lap dog.

Here is a close up of that adorable face.  Now tell me, how can you resist that face? 

The only dog not in the least bothered by the storms is Buttons.  He is the only dog, I might add, that still has the neighborhood intact.  Maybe that's why he doesn't mind.  He goes around like it's nothing.  Sleeps right through the whole thing. 

I think I might need to invest in some of those thunder shirts they are advertising for dogs. 

I guess I can't blame them for being scared.  After all if you didn't know what that noise was wouldn't you be scared too?  Poor babies!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Where Bloggers Create

Welcome to Where Bloggers Create.  This is my first year and I am so excited to see everyone's spaces.  I enjoyed it so much last year that when I was done looking at everyone's spaces, I looked at them again.  I have always had a fascination with other's homes and how they decorate and store things. 

Well I have many interests.  My first love of course is drawing.  I love to draw in pencil.  There is something about a pencil drawing that I absolutely love.  I have some samples on my blog here.  I still have more to put up but I have just started blogging and am working on it and I am still learning all about the tools that has.  I also do cross stitch, plastic canvas stitching, painting and sewing, among many other interests. 

Well, here is the entrance to my abode.  As you can see I am a HUGE Andy Griffth fan and I watch the show all the time.  I still laugh even though I have seen them many, many times over.  I was greatly saddened when Andry Griffith passed away last week. 

Below is the view from the doorway.  If you look closely you can see one of my cats, Ben on the back of my chair and Jake our pomeraian on the floor.  The nice thing about working at home is having your fur babies with you.  I use this room for paying bills, doing my transcription/editing, sewing, writing and any other kind of crafts I do. 

Here is a close up of Ben in his favorite spot.  He looks like a rug, doesn't he?  Yes, he does stay there when I am sitting in the chair.  Sometimes he gets so relaxed that he will fall onto me.  LOL!

These are my pencil drawers.  This is where I keep my colored pencils and drawing pencils (well some of them, I have many).  This is just below my computer monitor. 

You never know where Ben will pop up.  He does keep me entertained. 

This is the shelf next to my computer where I keep my models.  As you can see I have a dog and a cat model and the one that the cow is sitting on is a lizard.  The little man who has his nose hanging off the shelf was made by my mom (from whom my love of crafting comes from) back in 1981. 

This is the other side of my room.  This is where I keep my medical books (on the top shelf) and various craft books on the bottom shelf and the box on the top is where I keep some of my fabric. The dresser has fabric and plastic canvas and assorted other crafts.   The plastic drawers next to the shelves are where I keep my stamps. 

Here is the rest of the other side of the room, as you can see more craft and art books.  Can you tell I LOVE books?  The boxes on top have pictures and sketch books in them.  Then there's Ben again with his eyes shining like headlights. 

Here is another one of our cats, Isabelle (Belle for short).  She is sitting next to a pot that I painted. 

This is a cross stitch project I am working on and of course Ben has to get in the middle.  LOL!  The plastic drawers to the right there are also where I keep some of my drawing supplies and other odds n' ends. 

This is an empty computer monitor case.  I saw an idea on Pinterest about taking out the tube to an old monitor and making a cat bed out of it.  Well, I had this monitor sitting around that I was going to throw away and I had my husband take it apart.  Well, so far no tennants.  Nobody wants to sit in it.  Oh well, I tried. 

More animals....

You could say this dog, Dixie, is my office dog.  This is her spot below my desk at my feet. 

The ladies room is not the only place where there is a line for the bathroom...

Here is a sample of my plastic canvas work.  I made these napkin rings for my niece for Christmas last year (although I did not get them done until her birthday in January).

Well, I hope you enjoyed my little tour.  As you can see animals are HUGE part of my life.  Like I said in my profile, all but 1 dog, 2 cats and 2 birds are rescues.  I am still working on getting the rest of the pictures of our fur babies up on this blog and more samples of my work.  Please come back and visit often and don't forget to visit all the other spaces that everyone has up.