Sunday, July 29, 2012

Thunder Boom Booms

We have been having a lot of thunderstorms lately and I love thunderstorms provided we don't flood AND our power does not go out.  Unfortunately, most of my dogs do not share in my enthusiasm.  They follow me around like I'm the Pied Piper.  They hide under my desk and mess up my internet connection (it is very touchy) by sitting on my wires and disconnecting me.  LOL!  They shake, shiver and pant like the world is coming to an end.  I don't mean to pick on my furbabies, I love them so much, but it's just so funny the way they act.  Take a look at this poor pitiful bunch. 

"Mommy, save us!" 

Let me know when it's over...

This is my little "Lady" 

This is Bowzer and he is the biggest of all the dogs, but he is the biggest baby.  He tries to find corners or little areas to squeeze into when there is a thunderstorm.  He dreams of being a lap dog.

Here is a close up of that adorable face.  Now tell me, how can you resist that face? 

The only dog not in the least bothered by the storms is Buttons.  He is the only dog, I might add, that still has the neighborhood intact.  Maybe that's why he doesn't mind.  He goes around like it's nothing.  Sleeps right through the whole thing. 

I think I might need to invest in some of those thunder shirts they are advertising for dogs. 

I guess I can't blame them for being scared.  After all if you didn't know what that noise was wouldn't you be scared too?  Poor babies!


  1. Oh poor babies. I have a huge black lab that is petrified of the thunder. She is such a baby. Wonder if that thundershirt actually works. Hope they calm down and get a break from the thunder. Angela

  2. Poor babies:( My Dogs used to be like that....terror would strike so that it would turn a fully grown Alsation into a shivering mess.
