Sunday, December 18, 2011


I have been known to put things off quite a lot.  I feel things have to be perfect and the timing just right.  Unfortunately sometimes Thank You notes don't get written for months and then you wonder if it is just too embarassing to even write them.  Well, I have been putting off starting this blog but I am going to just jump in and start.  I read a quote somewhere that says to the effect that it is the imperfections in art that makes it unique and all yours.  I really believe that.  If you look at the work of any artist or writer they have their own style and that is what makes it theirs.  So here I start, impefections and all.  Come join me in my journey.

1 comment:

  1. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao-Tzu

    I'm so proud of you for taking the first step. Set your mind free. You have many fun and wonderful things to say. Looking forward to sharing the journey with you my friend!
