Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Well, Superbowl is coming up and the Superbowl is known for expensive flashy commercials and that is what a lot of people watch for, besides the football. But when we visit our friends, Billy and Florence, to watch the Superbowl, I go to see Billy's reaction to the commercials.

Now, let me tell you a little bit about Billy. He and my husband have been friends since high school. He's the kind of friend who is there for you no matter what. He is a laid back, good ole contry boy, but by no means is he dumb. He has a sharp wit and is funny without even trying. They live out in the contry and the closet neighbor is about a couple of city block lengths down the street.

During half-time last year, the "Black Eyed Peas," a singing group, in case you didn't know, were the entertainment. Billy had never heard of them before. They came out in futuristic, wild-looking outfits. Billy, in his casual southen drawl said, "they ain't from around here."

Later on there was a commercial for some beer, the name was "Stella Artois." It looked like it was in a club and there was this guy singing a slow song, kind of romantic sounding and with a French accent. All the women were entranced with him and had tears coming down their faces. After the commercial ended, Billy sat there for a few seconds and then said, "must be some good beer, all the women are crying."

Well, just a few more weeks and we get to visit with Billy and Florence again and I am sure we will have more stories of Billy's "observations."

Stay Tuned....

1 comment:

  1. That's too funny - what a great friend to have! Anyone who can make us laugh is a treasure to be around and a gift from God. My brother-in-law was like that and I miss him. blessings, marlene
